Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Emirates Coming to Robertsfield?

Since at least 2009, there has been feverish excitement that everyone's favorite megacarrier, Emirates Airline, would start flying to Liberia. Given the airline's rapid expansion, across the African continent as much as anywhere else, and the general lack of air service into the country, any hint of movement on the subject has been met with swoons of excitement, at least by the Liberian press, which don't necessarily mind passing on a hyped up announcement of not-so-much, such as when Liberia and the UAE sign an MoU discussing the concept of air service between the two countries.

Two years ago, eyes swam with daydreams of shopping malls and sand dunes in the wake of the sufficiently vague Liberian Observer headline: Emirates Airline Flies to Liberia Soon, which was actually a story about some Emirates execs coming to check out Robertsfield, just as a management team of an airline which is receiving one new A380 super jumbo jet a month surely does to every international airport in the world. This latest article was the first update on Emirates's interest in RIA since that breathless report from 2010. An interesting note on the attendance, or lack thereof on the Liberian side:

“The UAE delegation designated Emirates Airline, Etihad Airways, Air Arabia, RAK Airways and FlyDubai as UAE national airlines under the Agreement. The Liberian delegation will designate its airlines in due course.”

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